Creating a Supplier

NOTE: Approved suppliers, suppliers that must go through a rigorous review and approval process for quality assurance, are created in the Supplier Management application.

  1. From the portal Page, click the Home tab at the top of the window.
  2. In the Setup and Policy section, click Setup.
  3. In the Supplier section, click Suppliers.
    Result: The Suppliers list window is displayed.
  4. In the Supplier list window, select Add New Record.
    Result: The Create Supplier window is displayed.
Section Description

Create Supplier

The Create Supplier section is used to enter information regarding the supplier. Enter the information in the following fields:

  • Supplier Code* - Enter the code for the new supplier.
  • Supplier Name* - Enter the name of the new supplier.
  • Supplier Status* - Click the drop down button and select the current status of the new supplier, such as Approved or Conditionally Approved. For additional information on configuration, see Supplier Statuses.
  • Supplier Comment - Enter a comment about the supplier. If Conditionally Approved or Not Approved is selected as the status, a comment is required.
  • Supplier Type* - Click the drop down button and select the type of supplier, such as API Manufacturer. For additional information on configuration, see Supplier Types.
  • Supplier Sub Type - Click the drop down button and select the supplier's sub type, such as Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO). This field only displays if the supplier type is Vendor.For additional information on configuration, see Supplier Sub Types.
  • Supplier Classification* - Click the drop down button and select the supplier's classification, such as Critical. For additional information on configuration, see Supplier Classifications.
  • External Supplier Number (ERP) - Enter the external supplier number.
  • Org Unit Head* - Zoom to select the organization unit head. For additional information on configuration, see Users.
  • Participates in Quality Portal - Specify whether or not the supplier will be using the Supplier Quality Portal.
  • Supplier Risk Level* - Supplier risk levels are used to specify the ranking of the risk associated with each supplier. The higher the risk, the more the supplier may negatively impact supply chain resiliency. For additional information on configuration, see Risk Levels.
  • Next Periodic Review Date - Zoom to select the date of the next review for the supplier.
  • Address/City/State/Country/Postal Code* - Enter the address information for the supplier.
  • Office Phone/Fax* - Enter the phone and fax number information for the supplier.
  • Notification Email List - Enter the email addresses for any users who should be notified about activity for this supplier.
  • Supplier Website - Enter the supplier's website.

Supplier Site Information

The Supplier Site Information section is used to enter information regarding the supplier site. Click the Add Supplier Site Information link to add a supplier site and then enter the information in the following fields:

  • Supplier Site Code* - Enter or zoom to select the supplier site code.
  • Supplier Site Name* - This field defaults when the supplier code is selected.
  • Supplier Site Status* - Click the drop down button and select the status of the site, such as Active or Removed. For additional information on configuration, see Supplier Site Statuses.

Part, Receiving Location, or Supplier Site Information

This section is used to define the part, receiving location and supplier site combination information for the supplier. Click the Add Part, Receiving Location, or Supplier Site link to add parts and then enter the information in the following fields:

  • Part* - Zoom to select the part. For additional information on configuration, see Parts.
  • Part Type - Displays the type of part. This field defaults from the selected part.
  • Receiving Location - Zoom to select the location that will be receiving the part. For additional information on configuration, see Org Units.
  • Supplier Site - Click the drop down button or zoom to select the supplier site code. For additional information on configuration, see Org Units.
  • Supplier Part Number - Enter the part number.
  • Part Commodity Code - Displays the commodity code for the part. This field defaults from the selected part.
  • Part Unit of Measure - Displays the unit of measurement for the part. This field defaults from the selected part.
  • Product Line - Displays the product line. This field defaults from the selected part.
  • Receiving Location Unit Head - Displays the receiving location's unit head.
  • Status* - Click the drop down button and select the status of the part, such as Approved or Removed. For additional information on configuration, see Supplier Part Statuses.
  • Comment - Enter a comment about the part. This field is required unless Approved is selected as the part status.
  • Part Description - Enter a description of the part.
  • Supplier Part Description - Enter the supplier's part description.
  • Vendor Supply Chain - Click the Add Supplier link to enter the vendor supply chain information for the part:
  • Supplier Type* - Click the drop down button and select the type of supplier.
    -- API Manufacturer - The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) is the part of any drug that produces its effects. The API manufacturer is the company that synthesizes or produces the API.
    -- Intermediate Processor - An intermediate processor is a producer of a partly processed material.
    -- Manufacturer - A manufacturer is the company that synthesizes or produces a material. The manufacturer is normally responsible for all aspects of manufacture and quality control of the material.
    -- Packaging - Packaging is the company that manufactures the packaging for a product.
  • Supplier - Zoom to select the supplier to add to the vendor supply chain.
  • Part - Zoom to select the part the vendor supplies. Only parts added to the selected supplier's Part, Receiving Location or Supplier Site Information section are listed.
  • Part Type - Displays the type of part. This field defaults from the selected part.

Click the Add Certification link to add certification information to the supplier. Enter the information in the following fields:

  • Certification Type* - Click the drop down button to select the type of certification, such as ISO9001. For additional information on configuration, see Certification Types.
  • Description* - Enter a description of the certification.
  • Expiration Date* - Specify the date when the certification will expire.
  • Supplier Site - Click the drop down button or zoom to select the site that earned the certification. This field allows the user to designate sites for certifications so that customers can track certifications for different sites for a vendor.


If needed, the user can add attachments prior to submitting the supplier.

  1. Click the Submit button.
    Result: The supplier has been added and the Supplier Detail record is displayed.

See Also

Supplier Other Actions

Supplier Setup



Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:03 PM